3 events found.
CAESCIR 2018 Application Deadline
Applications to join CAESCIR as part of its first student cohort are due by the end of January. Submit your application via https://caescir.cs.fiu.edu/application/ .
DHS Site Visit
CAESCIR's US Department of Homeland Security Program Manager will visit FIU on Thursday, March 29th. Meetings with CAESCIR Faculty, Staff, and Students will occur.
CAESCIR Fall 2018 Applications – due September 30th
The DHS-funded CAESCIR program is accepting applications from qualified undergraduate and graduate students. Applications are due by September 30th, 2018. Visit http://caescir.cis.fiu.edu for information about the CAESCIR program, including benefits and requirements, and the application. We look forward to your timely applications!